#5 HTML Course | What are the types of Tags in HTML | HTML for beginners Part-5

#5 HTML Course | What are the types of Tags in HTML | HTML for beginners Part-5

There are mainly 2 types of Tags in HTML Language. These are referred below.

  1.  Container (Paired Tag) : 

A tag is said to be container tag if it has companion tag means which include an opening and a closing tag. 

Example :- <B> (opening tag) 

                   </B> (Closing Tag)

 Opening tag turns the effect 'ON' where as closing tag turns the effect "OFF".

Examples :- <HTML>, <BODY>, <FONTS>, etc.

  1. Empty tag (Singular) :

A tag is said to be empty if it has only opening tag i.e. having no companion tag.

Example :- <BR>, <HR>, <IMG>, etc.

Note :-  

  • Closing tag is preceded by forward slash (/).
  • Tags are not case sensitive, means they could be typed in uppercase or lowercase or both.
  • Tags can be nested means a container tag but the tag started later is ended first.
Example :- <B> <I> </I> </B>

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