How to Create a Google Account?

How to Create a Google Account?

 What is Google Account?

A Google Account is an Account, If any Person makes Google Account the Person can Acess Youtube, Google, G-Mail, Google-Ads, and Many Other Google Policies.

Why do you Need Google Account?

If the Person Use any Social Website like Youtube, the Person does not need Google Account to play Youtube. But If the Person Likes or Subscribe to another Chanel you need Google Account. Users can create Youtube Chanel using Google Account. And It is Very Useful in Day to Day Life If the Person Use any Social Website and Do Work.

How to Create Google Account?

  1. First, Go to Google Account and Click on Create Google Account.
  2. Enter your First Name and Last Name.
  3. Enter your Username and  Other Usernames are Optional Given.
  4. Enter your Password and Click on Next Button.
  5. If you make a Protection Gmail Account, Enter your Phone Number and this is Optional.
  6. Enter your Birth Date and Gender.
  7. Click on Next.
  8. Click on Next.
  9. At Last Click on Continue Button.